Colby Hubscher

Updated 1 day, 22 hours ago

Finished making a game

Just released my latest game, "Tenacious Tower".

Tenacious Tower is an action roguelike with deck-building elements. This game was submitted to 1-Bit Jam #4, where you attempt make a game in two weeks and can only ever use 2 colours on screen at the same time.

tenacious-tower-screenshot-4 tenacious-tower-screenshot-5

I think I'll make a video about making this game, it was a good journey.

Training for a half-marathon

Running sucks. It's also great. But it still sucks sometimes.

The furthest I've ran is 10km, so we'll see how 21.1km feels. If my knee explodes trying, then I at least gave it my best.

To make training easier, a friend of mine gave me the idea to read while on the treadmill. Not audiobooks, but like old-fashioned reading.

This is unironically the greatest treadmill hack of all time. Paired with epic cinematic focus music, I feel like I can run forever.

I'll post a photo of what this looks like so you can get a feel.

Reading is fun again

The same aforementioned friend tipped me off on the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. I owe my friend so much.

I'm not a big reader, but the Mistborn trilogy has sucked me in big time. I'm half hoping HBO picks it up and makes a show, but also half worried it won't be anywhere as good as the books. So it goes.